OBJECTIVE PURSUITS (thought basket)


(this might be said, when something 'seemingly impossible'... yet potentially intimidating, occurs)

(planet PDS 70b, situated approximately 370 lightyears... from Earth)

$$$ = chapter end (the dollar signs, are metaphorical posturing... ...representing inquiry, as to the 'interest value'... of my posts)

1:01 AM (9/1/23):
34-year-old, dressed in red attire... gives life advice, when reflecting... on the life he has led, thus far...

11:28 PM (8/31/23):
I noticed that Attorney Alina Habba, seems like a doppelganger (somewhat older)... of my former coworker, at Ascendant NY (Anne Mongiello)... Regarding the above segment, of this video... it nearly seems, as though Anne had commandeered (hijacked) Alina's body... My body language reading of Alina, was that Anne was saying... via Alina's form, 'it took a while, but I finally got the job done'...
(Anne Mongiello is on the left, and Lina Hassan is on the right... regarding this juxtaposition)
I am not sure what the basis, of the 'body snatch' would be... ...in the context, of the aforementioned...

10:21 AM (9/4/23):
The segment I highlighted, regarding this video... reminds me of the one I highlighted, in the 'above video'... ...featuring attorney, Alina Habba... (something dealing with aliens)

12:56 AM (9/1/23):
Another Anne Mongiello doppelganger...

11:05 PM (8/31/23):
"It's my personal belief, that in order for one to reap (receive) the fruits of one's labor... one has to be heavily invested, in the fulfillment... of a process... Commitment to an ideal, is typically what accounts... for whether or not, such is realized..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:01 PM (8/31/23):
Some cultures are 'more advanced,' than others...
Dude singing Egyptian R&B

11:14 PM (8/31/23):
Some people relate to people of other cultures (and languages), with greater ease... than others (due to their respective dispositions)

5:14 PM (8/31/23):
After watching the 'above' video, I felt as though the dude's mannerisms (and accent)... were relatable, to those of Ewan McGregor... in the video, below (when he was conversing, with Eva Greeen)

2:16 PM (8/31/23):
Moments ago, I was contemplating about the nature of life... and 'dream attainment'... 
NOTE #1:
...earlier today, I had the revelation... that given there is electricity in a human body, it's necessary to cultivate such... I believe that if one fails to do so, one may experience more resistance (at daily tasks, and regarding fluidity... of events, one engages with)
NOTE #2:
When I was growing up with the parents that raised me (mom born in Jamaica, and dad born in Nigeria)... I have now concluded, that I was tasked... with adapting, to 'Nigerian gravity'... ...given that my dad, exerted great influence... on my livelihood (regarding socialization opportunities, and his emphasis... on education... ...in my childhood, although 'to an extreme')

12:03 PM (8/31/23):
Interesting video, illustrating the basis... for why Jaydon Hibbert was unable, to claim the 'world title' at the 2023 World Championships... in Budapest, Hungary... for the triple jump event (despite having jumped 17.70 meters, in the preliminaries... when the winning jump was 17.64 meters, by Hugues Zango)

11:18 AM (8/31/23): 
Dude plays 'Fade into you,' by Mazzy Star... on his guitar... Quite catchy (and soothing)...

11:16 AM (8/31/23):
RECAP from my Facebook profile:

This person (Brianna Walston) likely understands Matthew 19:24, of the bible... and actively factors such, into how... she lives, her life...

[It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is... for a rich man, to enter... the Kingdom, of Heaven..." - Matthew 19:24]

7:41 AM (8/30/23):
In this video, Miki Rai's vibe... is characteristic, of the 'gold digger' mentality... ...regarding women, who are 'hunting... financially endowed men'...

I was wondering about the basis, of this video (the motivation, for such)...

7:23 AM (8/30/23):
[a snapshot, regarding a preview... of my portable spacetime house... ...regarding the final photo (there were 53, in totality)... It is of interest to me, how the video's length... is 2 minutes & 39 seconds (159 seconds)... which arguably corresponded, to my weight... then ('239 lbs.')... The final photo had been snapped, in June 2020 (4:08 PM, on 6/25/20)]
NOTE #1:
It was moments before making the 'above snapshot,' that the idea occurred... that there could be some Indians, who were thinking to themselves 'is there a way, that the viewing of this video... could be rendered, in such a manner... that the simulation of being there, is 'more' tangible'...
NOTE #2:
At a behavioral health center (in Newark, NJ), for an intake... at 10:23 AM, on 8/9/23... My weight was 239.0 lbs./pounds...

5:17 PM (8/27/23):
Regarding 0:00-1:15 of this video, I said to myself 'how did this dude (Kesava Kirupa Dinakaran) do that (solve a Rubik's cube, like that)'...?
My astonishment, could be likened to Mr. Twistle's reaction... in this video (when Will Smith's portrayal of Chris Gardner, solved the Rubik's cube)...
5:18 PM (8/27/23):

6:12 PM (8/27/23):
Maybe Michael Trejo (formerly of Rice University's track and field & cross country teams), knows about the establishment 'Trejo's Taco's (see the 'above article, for this entry')'...
6:20 PM (8/27/23):

(Rice University snapshot, regarding the track and field roster... for 2008-2009)
Greg King & James Llamas, were listed as being 510 pounds... along with '11' others (if not '511' pounds)

Today was the first day, that I heard the term 'Nollywood'... Apparently, such corresponds to Nigeria... just as Hollywood, corresponds... to America (United States), and Bollywood... corresponds to India (in the context, of the 'film industry')

After just watching this race, at the 2023 World Championships... I will say that the finish, was impressive (sometimes, one has to power up... to get the edge... but such is only possible, if one is well-trained)
The 'dude in red,' was a challenger...

4:44 PM (8/27/23):
I never heard of foie gras, until today... It so happens that it's a food... that's made of the liver, of a duck... or goose... (apparently, such is controversial - animal rights)
4:49 PM (8/27/23):
There are many layers, of reality...

4:35 PM (8/27/23):
"Not too long ago, I had an idea... that as one gets older, the 'gravity of expectation' increases, up to a certain point... There is a directly proportional relationship, until a plateau... is reached..." - Michael Izuchukwu


3:07 PM (8/27/23);
Anyone who cooks like this (with such synchronicity), must have a gift...
I don't really eat pork, unless there is a special occasion... ...such as a holiday, where scrambled eggs... are accompanying, bacon ('fancy or professional' preparation)...

Crazy stuff, in the news... Adolescents should be careful, about their electronic communications... ...particularly, when their cognitive faculties... are still, in development...

2:37 PM (8/27/23):
Interesting video, in which a 34-year-old female says she saved $835,000... to retire early... Given that I will be turning 34 years old, in 67 days (on 11/2/23), I said to myself 'could you imagine being in retirement, at age 34?'...

2:14 PM (8/27/23):
Something about this video, is insightful... regarding the perception of money, and the various motivators people have... for earning such (quantity/amount and quality/rate)... ...there are those who work, to live (to survive)... ...and then others, who live to work (to make a living)...

1:57 PM (8/27/23):
Interesting YouTube video, that I was just recommended... In such, Drake (the rapper) seems like he is in 'gangsta mode'... when walking backwards (or in the vehicle, moving backwards), during the segment of 1:25-1:56...

11:46 AM (8/27/23):
(photo of me, inside Walgreens... of East Orange, NJ, at 10:42 AM... on 8/27/23... having subsequently purchased, a sparkling water drink)
The dude in the semi-pink shirt, was arguably a subtle doppelganger of Andrew Briggs (a former Rice University student)

(4 chicken nuggets with some noodles, as of 11:10 AM... on 8/27/23... ...that had been served, at my dominion)

India recently landed on moon, at its South Pole...
NOTE #1:
"India’s success comes just days after Russia’s Luna-25, which was aiming for the same lunar region, spun into an uncontrolled orbit and crashed. It would have been the first successful Russian lunar landing after a gap of 47 years."
NOTE #2:
When will an African nation, land on the moon? There are 54 countries, on the continent... of Africa... and 21 (assuming such was not updated to '20') space agencies, there...
(see entries as of 6:52 AM, on 5/29/22)
africanews.space - https://africanews.space/list-of-space-agencies-in-africa/ (regarding this link, such stopped working)

7:21 AM (8/27/23):
Discipline is often the recipe for success, in life...

7:19 AM (8/27/23):
Has Prag (full name = Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa) been semi-enslaved, by his father...?

7:17 AM (8/27/23):
(scrambled eggs, from 6:17 AM... on 8/27/23)

Michael Izuchukwu (@Michael39320179) / Twitter



3:26 PM (1/31/23):

Discussing my insights on Blaise Pascal's Wager - YouTube (325 days ago - see YouTube caption)

"If you genuinely believe in God, then you retain the hope of gaining entry to heaven... given that genuine belief, is characterized... by the Holy Spirit, which connects each human... to Jesus Christ (God the Son)... Jesus is the intermediator, between Himself... and His (and our) heavenly Father (God the Father)... In the context of Isaac Newton's third law of motion (and the natural world), for every action... there is an equal and opposite, reaction... God the Father designed our universe/cosmos, so that such adheres to physics... given the four natural forces: gravity, the strong and weak nuclear force... and electromagnetism... If one sends out signals to Jesus Christ, and He receives them... in the context of doing the will of His Father, Jesus factors this effort... into the consideration He will have on Judgment Day... when He renders sentences (for either heaven or hell), upon humans..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Coach_Tipz (@coach_tipz) | TikTok

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven… but only he who does the will of my Father…” – Matthew 7:21

A History Of Spacewalks: First Walk On The Moon, July 21, 1969 | TIME - YouTube


Michael Izuchukwu (u/pods70) - Reddit

“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me...” – John 14:6

“For it is not the Father who judges a man, but he has given all judgment… to the Son…” - John 5:22


10:12 AM (1/31/22):

A day in my life at Columbia University #shorts #youtubeshorts - YouTube

"Interesting video clip. I noted some time ago, that Columbia University's color could be thought of as 'light blue'... while that of Seton Hall University, being 'dark blue'... ...in the context, of the colors... of caps & gowns, when graduating..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10:15 AM (1/31/22):


"About 10 minutes ago, I started wondering what it would mean... if Mike Powell's long jump world record, of 8.95 meters (29'4.25"), lasted 123 years..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Whoever would break such, after that amount of elapsed time... would be someone, to wonder about... ...but I think 50 years, is more practical... due to improvements, in nutrition... and other variables...

10:34 AM (1/31/23):

voldy33 (u/voldy33) - Reddit
"Due to the contents of this Reddit blog, I suspect that my hypothesis of 123 years... is plausible, assuming that such performances... are the consequence or effect, of global-level news (due to the interconnectivity, of the world)... ...implying, that certain events serve as a catalyst... for that degree, of adrenaline...

10:37 AM (1/31/23): 
"I was advertised the following video, about 3-5 minutes... after posting, my hypothesis..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Cette année a très mal commencé... - YouTube

11:55AM (1/31/23):
Juan Miguel Echevarria | Long jump - YouTube

"Based off this dude's technique, he has potential as a long jump world record holder candidate (particularly, with the first jump... if he didn't fall backwards)..." - Michael Izuchukwu


8:46 AM (1/31/23):
What do life's origins tell us about life's future? The future of life - Nobel Week Dialogue 2022 - YouTube

"Interesting conference/panel discussion that I just watched, about half an hour ago... Perhaps such is relatable, to the following video... ...in the context, of human insights on the true nature of the cosmos... still being in its infancy..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The First Direct Images of Exoplanets with JWST, ft. Dr. Emily Rickman - YouTube


6:52 AM (1/31/23):
How we split FINANCES as a couple #shorts - YouTube

"Interesting video clip... According to 'mikirai'... she has interest in traveling with her partner, when 'young and healthy'... Perhaps, such would not be present... in the 'distant' future... but I personally would like to engage in world travel (perhaps 4-6 countries), although I would like to be accompanied... by at least 2 individuals (one primary, one secondary)... for the sake of security and convenience..." - Michael Izuchukwu

In my childhood, I visited Jamaica and Mexico... ...there are more places to travel to, than one can (in one's lifetime)... but I am more about 'mental travel,' than 'physical travel'... in the context of the fact, that the spirit/Holy Spirit takes precedence to the mind/intellect/mentality... which does the same for the body/physicality... 

How Indian Engineers Helped Stephen Hawking 'talk' - YouTube

7:14 AM (1/31/23):
"In the context of spacetime, one's mind is more aligned with the spirit... than one's body... Nevertheless, the spirit refines one's mind and body... but in accordance, with this relationship... I seek to take the path in life, that is necessary... to reach heaven, via natural means... given that such a road is metaphysical (as opposed to physical)... The metaphysical is that which is intangible (not discernible by touch, or lacking physical presence)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

HOW DOES ONE WIN FAVOR, WITH GOD? (jesuswent.blogspot.com)

7:18 AM (1/31/23): 

"The fact that in Matthew 19:24 of the bible, Jesus Christ attested, 'It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man... to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven'... is indication, that 'there are' means of entering heaven... and the implication, is that at least one of them... is natural..." - Michael Izuchukwu


5:41 AM (1/31/23):
"A soothing song, to wake up to... in the morning..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Eternity, Memory of Light Waves (Final Fantasy X-2) - A friendly wizar... | TikTok


3:04 PM (1/30/23):

"If you lived on a different planet in the cosmos, conditions would be different than on Earth... in various ways, even if both worlds had water and oxygen... in their respective atmospheres... ...different particularly, regarding physiological and psychological stressors... upon a human being..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Going into the Great Nap - Hibernation - Hibernation- Interstellar (2014) - Movie Clip 4K HD Scene - YouTube


5:52 AM (1/31/23):
From 1:30-1:40, Anne Hathaway's character attests that she does not believe nature can be evil... In the context of humans being made in the image of God, and the Holy Spirit being their link... to him (God the Father)... potential encounters with 'certain' extraterrestrials, could prove otherwise... 'Human nature' is distinct...

12:02 PM (1/31/23):
"Humans are multifaceted, and a label does not necessarily encapsulate... who someone is..." - Michael Izuchukwu



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