[a photo of Dr. Sofia Charania, wearing some pink scrubs... in front of a taxi... To my understanding, she formerly attested that she was into pediatrics ('working with children')... in New York City]

There are news reporters (who are 'financially compensated'), and then... there are news commentators...

OUTLETS ('some'):

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1:32 PM (10/23/23):

Since @christooocozy posted his day in the life, I figured I’ll post mine too 🥰🥰 Name the song in the comments 👇🏾 👕: @med.ish_… | Instagram

A day in the life, of a Harvard neurosurgery member... In the context of the following link, one must be very 'intellectual'... to be in this area, of expertise...


Michael Izuchukwu on Gab: '2:38 PM (9/30/23): "What I find particularly inter…'


7:20 AM (10/23/23)

I totally made that . ➡️ DO You want to improve Vertical Jump? ➡️ DO Want to score more points for your team? 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 => BUT you… | Instagram

Interesting video of an Asian dude, dunking from behind the 'free throw line'... relation, to Michael Jordan...

The very first time that I dunked, was on my 15th birthday... the gymnasium, of Lafayette High School (in Wildwood, MO)... ...My physiological form has changed, since then... so I am now less inclined, to do so. Nevertheless, I had been dunking at the Gibbs Recreation Center... of Rice University (from 2008-2010, when I had been a student... there)...


2:35 AM (10/23/23):

Scientists Capture Weird-Looking Creature In Arctic, They Turn Pale After Seeing DNA Results (



2:35 AM (10/23/23):

It now costs $106,000 to be allowed to buy a car in the world’s most expensive city for drivers (

[“There is a need to lower one’s aspiration from achieving the ‘good life’ to settling with a ‘good enough life,’” Tan said.]

I found this quote, to be interesting... but perhaps, unsettling...


10:21 PM (10/22/23):

LUCY [Time Travel Scene] - YouTube

"Time is relative to the observer..." - Albert Einstein

"...but the observer, is not necessarily as relative... to time..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10:29 PM (10/22/23):

Lucy: Time is Unity (HD CLIP) - YouTube


9:58 PM (10/22/23):

Remember the Titans clip 2 - YouTube

When I watched this YouTube video recommendation, such evoked of 'dimensional ascent'...

Interestingly, today I had a revelation... after returning from Monte Irvin Orange Park... Such was not only is there a difference between being subject to the influence, of a higher spatial dimensional reality... and becoming higher-dimensional... ...but that it is also possible, for one to tap into being a higher-dimensional being... momentarily... in terms of 'quantum fluctuation'... 
...In the context of the aforementioned, I surmised that today... I was a 5-dimensional being... concurrently, with being a 3-dimensional being... ... although briefly... ...due to:

a. insights I derived, from the time interval calculation of 11/4/22 to 10/22/23...

b. the 2nd photo, that 'Jose' snapped of me... at 1:48 PM, on this day - 10/22/23 (that I did not post)... I will say, that such 'caught me off guard'... and that my body language, was such.... that my arms, made the shape... of a 'broken L'...

c. the '2' birds; one that dipped to the right... and the other, that dipped to the left (on 10/22/23 and 11/4/22... respectively)

Regarding my 'dimensions blog - DIMENSIONAL BEING PROGRESSION, FOR THE AFTERLIFE ('... I had formerly remarked, that from 6/14/23 to 6/16/23... I had made some 'personal insights,' regarding my conceptualization... of the 4th spatial dimension reality (after 5 days of 'dimensions-based revelations' - 6/8/23 to 6/13/23)... These likely were prerequisite (as part of the constituent processes), for this realization... which occurred, today (regarding tapping into the 5-D being mode, in terms of 'quantum fluctuation'...

When I say 'quantum fluctuation,' this is in the context... of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle... which attests that the momentum and position of a particle, cannot be precisely known... ...and the context, of 'entanglement'...


9:33 PM (10/22/23):
Girl in China reasons with dad for more play time - YouTube

In many countries around the world, homework is important... in the respective education system...


4:00 PM (10/22/23): 

Watching a dude (from 'his side'), listening to music, via his headphones & cell phone... at 1:25 PM, on 10/22/23... as I walked to Monte Irvin Orange Park, for exercise...

Looking back at that 'same dude,' after I had taken a number of steps... at 1:25 PM, on 10/22/23

Video recording that I filmed, in Monte Irvin Orange park... Such concluded, at 1:41 PM... on 10/22/23...
At 4:48-4:55 in the 'above video,' a bird flies 'down to the right'... though alluding to the written abbreviation (Dr.), for 'doctor'...
NOTE #2:
At 1:53 to 1:55 in 'the above video,' a bird flies 'down to the left'... ...and I had previously interpreted this act, to be 'a sign (of some type)'... the context, of that... which preceded, during filming... in the segment, of 1:21-1:43...
5:35 PM (10/22/23):
Regarding the above time interval calculation, the elapsed amount of time from November 4, 2022 to October 22, 2023... is 352 days. This is also equivalent to 8,448 hours... which is a 'numerical anagram'...

Photo that a dude, by the name of 'Jose'... ...snapped of me, at 1:48 PM, on 10/22/23...
(a photo that was subject to 'automated/automatic darkening,' showcasing my physique)
7:34 PM (10/22/23):
I think in a strange way, the following has credence (regarding the 'above video'):
Metaphorical significances:
Me ~ wizard (in blue)
Dude wearing yellow, at the end of the Monte Irvin Orange park video (he snapped the photo) ~ woman wearing magenta
Who is the unicorn?


7:20 AM (10/22/23):

World's tallest man feared he would step on world's shortest (

There is a spectrum, on which humans' heights... fall... This may refine, which arenas... in life, one may enter (in the context, of which roller coaster rides... one may be tall enough for... or which sports, one may play)



Just 2k migrants in NYC have applied to work — with none approved (

Personally, I believe that the basis for why people work... is multifaceted... ...given that there is a spectrum of motivation, in the context of the spirit, mind and body...


Resurfaced Reports Claim Donald Trump May Be Feuding With Son Barron Over the Most Trivial Difference (

One's height is fixed, given that any height-weight measuring scale... can attest to this... In terms of relativity and statistics, smaller people tended to occupy colder climates... for the sake, of homeostatic processes and thermal regulation. The heart requires more energy to pump blood to the extremities, if one's limbs... are longer...



Mexico’s non-human "Alien-like” being fake? | Can ufologist Jaime Maussan be trusted? | Watch (

Photo of a scientist, standing beside '2' extraterrestrial corpses... presented to Mexico's Congress (one wonders, what these aliens were eating... when alive)
NOTE #1:
My hunch, is that 'these extraterrestrials (aliens)' were deployed... to showcase, 'their forms'... as though, they are efficient (in terms, of enduring the voids... of space... when traveling, through such)...
NOTE #2:
(sounds like biased cynicism, rooted in 'uncertainty'... you can't fake DNA)

3:48 PM (10/23/23):
Regarding the 'above' scatter plot, in relation to the presentation... to Mexico's congress, of the extraterrestrial specimens... ...I had some insights... The orientation of the '4' individuals (2 humans, and 2 extraterrestrials), gives the impression... of the numbers/integers '2-1-1'... ...due to the spacing, between each of them. I believe this was intended, in case that debut... was being subject, to 'extraterrestrial viewership'...
It's worth noting, that intelligent (advanced) extraterrestrials (in possession of their own psychology, culture and technology) might ask humanity... who their 'Ultimate Leader' is, in the scope... of human history (in the context, of past... and present)...
The answer to that (to me) is Jesus Christ... and if this notion, was factored... into the presentation... ...the orientation/arrangement, may have been for the sake... of encryption... 
Christ Jesus is how people refer to Jesus Christ, in many places of the world... given that 'Christ' was an honorific, given to Jesus... in the aftermath, of His Crucifixion... and Resurrection.
Perhaps there was the wish, for these extraterrestrials... to perceive Christ Jesus, as consisting of '3' syllables... ...but for there to be ambiguity, as to the comprehension... of those letters...
Christ Jesus being thought of as 'Christ Je sus,' for instance... case, these beings... were in contest with humans, for getting to heaven... in the eyes, of God the Father ('heavenly Father')...
4:19 PM (10/23/23):
...the breaking apart of the name ' Christ Jesus' into ('Christ Je Sus')... could also give the impression (moving 'left to right'), that the first two humans... are thought of as '1 being ('Christ')'... ...while the 2 extraterrestrials, are to be thought of as '2' separate beings ('Je Sus')... ...This could potentially be a means, of masking the nature... of the sentience, of our species (that of 'Homo Sapiens')...


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